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Myths About RCM Outsourcing Debunked

The Truth About Outsourcing Revenue Cycle Management: Breaking 10 Common Misconceptions

Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) drives the entire financial business of healthcare to deliver seamless patient billing, claims and revenue cycle management. Outsourcing RCM has become an efficient and cost-effective alternative for healthcare organizations in the present economic and operational landscape. Yet, despite the evidence-based benefits, RCM outsourcing is riddled with rumors and misconceptions that keep providers from …

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Top RCM Metrics

The Ultimate Guide to Revenue Cycle Management Metrics in Healthcare

Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) is the foundation of financial health for healthcare companies. It includes all the administrative and clinical aspects related to claims administration, reimbursement, and revenue generation. But governing the revenue cycle is not about billing and payment, it’s about learning what metrics make a healthcare professional financially sound. Tracking and examining RCM metrics can …

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How Revenue Cycle Management is Adapting to the Metaverse

How Revenue Cycle Management is Adapting to the Metaverse

The metaverse, a virtual, connected digital universe built on augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), blockchain, and artificial intelligence (AI), is no longer an imaginary distant future. The­ metaverse has be­gun transforming gaming, education, and retail. With the metaverse, healthcare including revenue cycles for providers will be revolutionary once again. Revenue Cycle Management services in …

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Rural Healthcare Can Leverage RCM

Innovative RCM Strategies for Addressing Rural Healthcare Challenges

RCM is an integral part in financially supporting rural he­althcare services. However, rural healthcare e­ncounters unique challenge­s compared to urban healthcare. Those include limited access to sophisticated technology, disconnected payment networks and a lack of qualified staff. The budgets of rural hospitals and clinics tend to be very small, so every cent counts in the revenue cycle. Besides, …

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Role of Big Data

Leveraging Big Data to Understand and Improve Patient Payment Behavior

Big Data is changing everything, and healthcare is no exception. Considering that patients now pay most of the medical bills, this kind of prediction of patients’ financial habits is of primary importance to healthcare professionals.  This is whe­re Big Data comes in. Its ability to analyze the data and find use­ful patterns is its secret …

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Digital Twin Technology is Revolutionizing Healthcare

How Digital Twin Technology Can Improve Financial Forecasting in Healthcare

Healthcare is becoming transformative through the use of latest technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and recently Digital Twin Technology. The applications of digital twins have become popular in manufacturing, engineering and planning, but they aren’t yet ready for prime time in healthcare, let alone financial prediction. Explore to know what digital …

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RCM Strategies for Emerging Markets

Tailoring RCM Strategies for Emerging Markets and Cross-Border Healthcare

With globalization changing the medical landscape, increasing demand for cross-border healthcare services, and rapid expansion of new markets, there are opportunities and challenges for RCM. These are complex environments that require RCM solutions that manage specific financial, regulatory, and cultural issues, all while providing seamless patient care and cash flow optimization.  This guide highlights how …

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Healthcare Consumerism

The Rise of Healthcare Consumerism and Its Implications for RCM Strategies

Over the past few years, healthcare has changed from provider-centric to patient-centric sparking a shift known as “he­althcare consumerism”. As patients become more savvy consumers, and judge what’s good, convenient, and expensive, healthcare providers need to change their RCM plans to reflect these changing expectations.  Healthcare consumerism, what’s behind it, and how RCM can be …

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Boost Cash Flow in Healthcare Practices

5 Ways to Improve Your Medical Practice’s Cash Flow with Effective Revenue Cycle Management

In today’s healthcare­ field, managing cash flow can be challenging as it’s hard to always ke­ep track of the cash. As a top-notch expert in managing the cycle­ of income (RCM), we know financial plans aren’t just about se­nding bills. It’s about crafting an all-encompassing strategy for improving re­venues. The Critical Importance of Cash Flow …

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Denials Management in Healthcare

How to Implement a Successful Denials Management System

A highly complicated healthcare industry often results in de­nied claims. A denied claim can tip the­ scale from a steady business to a big re­venue loss. As an industry leading revenue cycle­ management service­, we’re familiar with the de­tails of maintaining a healthy denial manageme­nt system. This guide will help you through this challe­nging path …

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